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Николай Золотых ВКонтакте

Institute of Information Technology, Mathematics & Mechanics
Lobachevsky State University of Nizhni Novgorod (UNN)
Gagarin Ave., 23
Nizhni Novgorod
Институт информационных технологий, математики и механики
Нижегородский гос. университет им. Н.И.Лобачевского (ННГУ)
пр. Гагарина, 23
Нижний Новгород

Research Interests

  • Discrete Optimization
  • Discrete Geometry
  • Computational Learning Theory
  • Machine Learning
  • Polyhedra Computation
  • Symbolic Computation

  • See also my publications and software projects

  • We have translated into Russian the book T.C. Hu, M.T. Shing Combinatorial Algorithms. Dover, 2002. See details here.

Some of my publications

  • Zolotykh, N.Yu.: An algorithm of deciphering a threshold function of k-valued logic in the plane with the number of calls to the oracle O(log k). Proceedings of the First International Conference ``Mathematical Algorithms''. NNSU Publishers Nizhny Novgorod (1995) 21-26 (Russian)
  • Zolotykh, N.Yu., Shevchenko, V.N.: Deciphering threshold functions of k-valued logic. Discrete Analysis and Operations Research. Novosibirsk 2 (3) (1995) 18-23. English transl.: Korshunov, A.D. (ed.): Operations Research and Discrete Analysis. Kluwer Ac. Publ. Netherlands (1997) 321-326 You can download a preliminary version in pdf format
  • Shevchenko, V. N., Zolotykh, N.Yu.: Decoding of threshold functions defined on the integer points of a polytope. Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis. MAIK/Interperiodica Publishing Moscow 7 (2) (1997) 235-240 You can download a preliminary version in pdf format
  • Zolotykh, N.Yu., Shevchenko, V.N.: Lower Bounds for the Complexity of Learning Half-Spaces with Membership Queries. Algorithmic Learning Theory: 9th International Conference; proceedings / ALT'98, Otzenhausen, Germany, October 8-10, 1998. Michael M. Richter etc. (ed.). Springer (1998) (Lecture Notes in Computer Science; Vol. 1501: Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence) 61-71 You can download a preliminary version in ps or in pdf format
  • Zolotykh, N.Yu.: On threshold and related functions defined on integers points of a polytope. Discrete Analysis and Operations Research. Series 1. Novosibirsk 2 (5) (1998) 40-54 (Russian)
  • Shevchenko, V.N., Zolotykh, N.Yu.: On complexity of deciphering of threshold functions of k-valued logic. Doklady Mathematics 5 (362) (1998) 606-608
  • Zolotykh, N.Yu., Shevchenko, V.N.: Estimating the complexity of deciphering a threshold function in a k-valued logic. Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Physics 2 (39) (1999) 346-352
  • Zolotykh, N.Yu.: On the complexity of solving a certain class of problems of integer linear programming. Discrete Analysis and Operations Research. Series 2. Novosibirsk 10 (1) (2003) 3-10 (Russian) You can download a preliminary version in ps format
  • Золотых Н.Ю. Новая модификация метода двойного описания для построения остова многогранного конуса // Журнал вычислительной математики и математической физики. - 2012. - Т. 52, N 1. - С. 153-163. pdf English transl.: Zolotykh N.Yu. New modification of the double description method for constructing the skeleton of a polyhedral cone // Computational mathematics and mathematical physics. - 2012. - V. 52, N.1. - P.146-156. pdf


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